How It Works

Guiding Principles

  • We are a group managed by volunteers. 

  • We are a forum to direct donations to local nonprofits; we do not collect or hold any member funds.

  • We are open to grow beyond 100 members.

  • The steering committee vets the nonprofit organizations to ensure they fulfill the requirements of benefiting Littleton, Englewood, or Centennial communities.


  • Any woman may become a member.

  • A member commits to one year - four quarterly meetings.

  • A member commits to donating $100 at each meeting to the chosen nonprofit.

Register Online

Nominating a Nonprofit

  • Upon completing a membership form, a new member may nominate a local nonprofit immediately

  • The nonprofit must be a 501(c)(3).

  • The nonprofit is aware that if chosen, donations must directly serve the communities of Centennial, Littleton, or Englewood, Colorado.

  • Eligible members in good standing can nominate a nonprofit. "Good standing" means that all donations have been made for prior meetings.

  • Funds may not be allocated for religious or evangelical conversion, debt reduction, operational deficits, individuals, endowments, or partisan, legislative, or political activities.

  • The nonprofit must agree NOT to use member information for future solicitations or public use

Nominate a Nonprofit

Choosing the Three

  • After receiving the nomination form, the nonprofit will be vetted by the Steering Committee.

  • All nominated nonprofit names will be in the pool of possible candidates, three will be randomly and blindly selected. 

  • More than one member can nominate the same nonprofit.

  • Once three different nonprofits are selected at random, the nominator will be notified and asked to give a simple 5-minute presentation at the next meeting.

Voting and Wrap Up

  • Following the three presentations, members in attendance will cast a vote in support of one of the three nonprofits.

  • Only members in good standing can vote.

  • The nonprofit with the most votes receives the donations.

  • Members write checks, use a QR code, or access the designated website link at the end of the meeting.

  • Members who cannot attend the meeting are notified of the nonprofit selected and given instructions on how to send their $100 donation to the nonprofit.

  • Following the three presentations, members in attendance will cast a vote in support of one of the three nonprofits.

Impact Report

  • At the following quarterly meeting, representatives from the awarded nonprofit will provide a brief presentation on how the collective funds will impact the communities of Littleton, Englewood, and/or Centennial.

  • If awarded funding, the nonprofit cannot be nominated for two years or eight meetings.

Check out this video to see how Collective Impact Works!